sciwork calls for participation
When we code, we code for everlasting.
Sciwork is a conference that focuses on a very challenging subject: code development for science and engineering. It calls for the expertise in both science and software development to produce reliable results. Code quality and efficiency is the key, and open source is the way to go.
We will hold the first conference in Hsinchu, on 22nd February, 2020. We are putting together the technical program, as well as hands-on tutorials for introductory programming topics, and scientific project coding sprints. The conference cordially invites audience who are passionate about code for science and of any level of understandings to science and programming. Professionals, researchers, and students are all welcome.
Sciwork project page:
sciwork 邀請你的參與
我們想寫的程式,可大可久。 我們為著一個很有挑戰性的題目,準備舉辦 sciwork 研討會:為科學與工程開發程式。這種工作不但要求科學領域的知識,也需要軟體開發的專業,否則無法產出可靠的結果。關鍵在於程式品質與工作效率,而開放原始碼是其必要之道。
第一次的 sciwork 研討會將在 2020 年 2 月 22 日,於新竹舉辦。會議議程包含技術演講、 介紹基礎程式開發的 hands-on tutorial,以及科學軟體開發 sprint。Sciwork 研討會誠摯邀請各界熱心於科學與工程軟體開發的人士,前來一同交流。期望我們的軟體程式在研討中共同成長。
Sciwork 專案頁面: