
5G Webinar:O-RAN 產業與開源軟體發展趨勢 - The trends of 5G open source software and the O-RAN industry

電信產業再進化,新一代網路開放架構的發展,Open RAN 開啟另一塊潛力市場,在開放式的架構下,降低建置營運成本、提高彈性部署的優勢、支援新型態的網路特性,刺激著白牌交換器、小型基地台、5G 企業專網等電信通訊商業市場興盛。
在增長迅速的 Open RAN 產業中,負責討論、制定產業標準和發展動向的國際組織也成為重要的決策角色,本活動將邀請 O-RAN 軟體社群聯合主席來分享 O-RAN 聯盟與國際開源專案的合作經驗,以及探討全球電信運營商在 Open RAN 的佈局與商業動向,並展示開源軟體導入 O-RAN 的經驗。
The telecommunications industry has entered a new era. With the development of the new generation of open network architecture, Open RAN has opened up a new potential market. Using the open architecture framework, Open RAN reduces the cost of construction and operation, makes flexible deployment more advantageous, and supports new network features. It stimulates the prosperity of the telecommunications and communications business markets such as white-box switches, small base stations, and 5G enterprise private networks.
In the expanding Open RAN industry, the international organisations in charge of deliberating and setting industry standards and determining the direction of development play an increasingly crucial role. We have invited the O-RAN software community to share how the O-RAN alliance collaborates with international open source projects, as well as to discuss the trends of global telecom operators in Open RAN.
2021-12-01 14:00   至   16:00 加入 Google 行事曆
2021-11-15 00:00   至   2021-11-29 00:00




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🎙 開場與貴賓致詞

時間:14:00 - 14:05
開場:李欣穎 / 開放文化基金會執行長

時間:14:05 - 14:10
貴賓致詞:張培仁 / 工業技術研究院副院長

🎙 Open RAN 國際產業發展動態

時間:14:10 - 14:40
講者:陳建豪 / OCF Open RAN Researcher
簡介:基於 O-RAN 組織的發展動態分析國際企業組織加入 O-RAN 之後的發展,以及各國產業發展方向,分析國際及台灣在 O-RAN 發展上的競合狀況,提供大家統計的分析數據來反思及調整現今台灣在 O-RAN 產業上的發展

🎙 標準與開源的碰撞:O-RAN 軟體開源社群

時間:14:50 - 15:20
講者:倪蔚辰 / O-RAN 軟體開源社群 DOC 項目 PTL
簡介:O-RAN 軟體開源社群由 O-RAN 聯盟和 Linux 基金會共同創辦,社群包括 12 個軟體項目,基於 O-RAN 聯盟制定的社群標準進行開源軟體實現。傳統的電信產業模式是先做標準,再做實現,相比於 IT 行業更新迭代較緩,標準指定和產業實現的周期都較長。 O-RAN 軟體開源社群力求探索標準與開源的融合,面對 ICT 融合趨勢,尋求利用開源模式開放共享,快速迭代的優勢,探索促進未來電信產業發展的可行路徑。

🎙 基於開源軟體的O-RAN RIC

時間:15:30 - 15:50
講者:林萬怡 / 工研院資通所技術副理
簡介:由全球電信運營商主導的 O-RAN 聯盟這幾年推出多個開放介面標準文件,同時每年舉辦三次線上 O-RAN 產品展示以及即將進入第三屆的插拔大會,足以見得這波 Open Networking 所帶來的產業風潮;本次的演講將以 ITRI 開發的 O-RAN RIC 為例,介紹 ITRI 基於開源軟體所進行的開放產品之成果。


陳建豪 / OCF Open RAN Researcher
曾任 智邦/鈺登科技資深售前工程師
ONF M-CORD contributor
ONF A-team member
工業技術研究院 MEC 專案工程師

倪蔚辰 / O-RAN 軟體開源社群 DOC 項目 PTL
現任 O-RAN 軟體開源社群 DOC 項目 PTL ,曾任 OPNFV 社群 C-RAN 項目 PTL

林萬怡 / 工研院資通所技術副理
2018~至今 工研院資通所-技術副理
主持 eMBMS / 5G O-RAN RIC 等研究計畫,發展行動專網管理技術與相關應用
2009~2017 工研院資通所-資深工程師
參與 IEEE WiMAX / 3GPP LTE / ETSI MEC 系統開發與組網規畫等相關研究計畫


時間:2021年12月01日(三) 14:00-16:00


Speak Introduction

🎙 Opening and Distinguished Guest Remarks

Time:14:00 - 14:05
Opening:Shin-Ying Li / Chief Executive Officer, Open Culture Foundation

Time:14:05 - 14:10
Distinguished Guest Remarks:Pei-Zen Chang / Executive Vice President, Industrial Technology Research Institute     

🎙  Open RAN International Industry trends

Time:14:10 - 14:40

Speaker:Jian-Hao Chen / OCF Open RAN Researcher

Introduction:Based on the development of the O-RAN organisation, this talk analyses the development of global enterprises after entering O-RAN, the development of industries in each country, as well as the cooperation and competition between international and Taiwanese enterprises in the development of O-RAN industry. This talk provides statistical data to reflect upon and alter the current place of Taiwanese enterprises in the development of the O-Ran industry. 

🎙 When Standards and Open Source meet: O-RAN open source software community

Time:14:50 - 15:20

Speaker:  Weichen Ni / The PTL (project technical lead) for DOC of O-RAN open source software community 

Introduction:The O-RAN  Software Community was co-founded by the O-RAN Alliance and the Linux foundation. The community includes 12 software projects which are realised in accordance with the guidelines set by the O-RAN alliance. The traditional model in the telecom industry is to first set standards and then work on implantation. Compared with the IT industry, updates and iterations are slower to emerge, and the cycle of setting regulations and implementing takes longer. The O-RAN software community is striving to integrate open-source and specifications. In response to the trend towards ICT integration O-RAN is searching for open-source models of open sharing that can have updating cycles and thus explore what the future of the telecom industry can look like. 

🎙 O-RAN RIC Based on Open Source Software

Time:15:30 - 15:50

Speaker: Wan-Yi Lin / Technical Assistant Manager Institute of Information Technology, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Introduction:The O-RAN Alliance led by global telecom operators has launched several open interface standard documents over the last few years. At the same time, it also hosts three online conferences to present its products and along with its upcoming third plugfest, it is clear to the influence of this current wave of Open Networking. This speech uses the example of the O-RAN RIC developed by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to introduce the results of the products based on open source technology developed by ITRI.

Speak Introduction

Jian-Hao Chen / OCF Open RAN Researcher

Formerly a Senior Pre-sales Engineer at Accton Technology Cooperation / Edgecore networks Cooperation),  
ONF M-CORD contributor, 
ONF A-team member and Industrial Technology Research Institute, 
MEC Project engineer

Weichen Ni / The PTL (project technical lead) for DOC of O-RAN open source software community 

Weichen Ni,Master's degree,Graduated from University of Bristol
The PTL (project technical lead) for DOC of O-RAN open source software community 
Previously the PTL for the OPNFV communitiy’s C-Ran project 

Wan-Yi Lin / Technical Assistant Manager Institute of Information Technology, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Leads eMBMS/ 5G O-RAN RIC amongst other projects, develops mobile private network management technology and related applications
Previously a senior engineer for the Institute of information technology 2009-2017, participated in the development of the IEEE WiMAX / 3GPP LTE / ETSI MEC systems research projects 

Event Information

Time:2021/12/01(三) 14:00-16:00
Venue:8F, No. 51, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City

The physical seminar will be held in the Yongfengyu Building(8F, No. 51, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Rd.). Due to epidemic prevention measures, the on-site limit is limited to 30, and on-site registration is not accepted.
You can only choose one to participate in physical or online. If you select both at the same time, the system will default to online participation.

Organiser and Co-organiser

Advisors: Department of Industrial Technology (DoIT), Ministry of Economic Affairs
Oraniser: Open Culture Foundation

CO-oraniser: Industrial Technology Research Institute, Institute for Information Industry

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